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Sleeping Bags

Night slowly falls over the day, the waves on the lake slowly calm down and you have placed your fishing rod in a promising spot for the night. The bite indicator is set, the backrest of your fishing chair slowly tilts in a horizontal direction and you relax in your fishing tent and adjust your sleeping bag on your fishing bed, your warming companion overnight.

The fishing sleeping bag

Fishing sleeping bags are basically divided into two different categories: slim mummy sleeping bags and sleeping bags in a square shape.   

Mummy sleeping gowns taper towards the feet and retain heat very well thanks to their narrow shape. However, the freedom of movement is somewhat restricted.

The sleeping bags in a wide, square shape are very well suited to sleeping on the bedchair. You can attach the sleeping bag to the frame of the fishing bed using straps to prevent it from slipping. Another advantage of square-shaped sleeping bags is the double-sided zipper, which guarantees that you can quickly get out of the sleeping bag when your bite indicator bites.

Material & size

The inner material is made of fleece fabric, which is excellent at retaining heat. The outer material is polyester, which, in addition to its insulating effect, is very easy to care for and dries quickly.

The measurements of fishing sleeping bags when spread out range from:

  • 80 to 100 cm width
  • 190 to 220 cm length

The right fishing sleeping bag for the right season

Finding the right one from the huge selection of fishing sleeping bags is by no means easy. For this reason, many manufacturers offer all-season sleeping bags, which cover most weather conditions. The sleeping bag regulates the optimum exchange of temperature and moisture through integrated membranes. Depending on the night-time temperatures, inner linings can also be optionally inserted or removed, making the all-season sleeping bag a practical all-rounder in the mountains.

Always warm feet with the sleeping bags from Tackle Deals

To go after the really big specimens, there's no getting around an overnight stay on the water. To make overnight fishing an unforgettable experience, you should always keep warm. With the comfortable fishing sleeping bags from Tackle Deals, getting up the next morning is guaranteed not to be easy.