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Shelters Anaconda

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Fishing fun in all weathers! With a fishing tent, your favorite hobby is fun even when the weather isn't so nice. Because you can sit protected inside the tent or lie down and wait for the fish to bite. As fishing for carp, for example, is a lengthy undertaking, anglers like to stay overnight or even for several days at a rewarding fishing spot. With a fishing tent, you not only protect yourself, but also your equipment from rain and wind. Browse through our store now and discover the great offers from Tackle-Deals! We stock well-known brand products from Fox or Anaconda.

Fishing tents offer protection from wind and weather

In contrast to normal camping tents, fishing tents are equipped with special features. First of all, the color scheme is striking. The predominant colors are earth tones, shades of green and camouflage patterns. This means that the tents set up close to the bank remain invisible to the fish. Setting up a tent is prohibited on many waters. Fishing tents without a floor are the clever solution. Due to the lack of a groundsheet, they circumvent the ban, as they only provide protection from the weather.

High-quality fishing tents for unforgettable fishing fun

Fishing tents are very high so that anglers can sit inside on their fishing chairs. The large front doors are usually fitted with transparent windows or mosquito nets, allowing you to see out. This means you can always keep an eye on what is happening at the fishing rods. Above all, fishing tents should be waterproof and well made so that not a drop of rain can penetrate. Even a strong wind should not be able to harm the tent. Strong poles and extra strong pegs hold it firmly in place.

Buy your fishing tent at Tackle-Deals!

Fishing tents for quick set-up or quick fishing tents are, as the name suggests, particularly quick to set up. We also have fishing tents for three or four people. Great for a great outdoor adventure with your fishing friends. Before you buy a fishing tent, browse through our diverse range! You're sure to find something suitable for you!