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Bait Boxes Anaconda

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Bait container

You come to the water and open your fishing bag full of anticipation. Your gaze wanders directly to the small, lively maggots and worms that are crawling towards you and have already made themselves at home in the entire bag. The plastic box for the baits was damaged during transportation or accidentally opened.

With the correct container this would probably not have happened.

Bait container for maggots & worms

For safe and fresh storage of the fishing rod maggots, we recommend using the containers provided for this purpose. Cad tins and worm tins have a lid that can be closed tightly. An integrated seal ensures that even the smallest openings are closed, allowing the moving animals to escape.

Small air vents in the lid ensure good air circulation and sufficient oxygen inside the can. This means you always have fresh fish to hand when fishing.

With us you will find cooler containers for storing and transporting maggots and worms in various sizes.

Container for boilies

To ensure that the boilies stay fresh and are not exposed to direct sunlight or moisture, there are special boilie buckets. Some of these boilie containers have compartments in which different types of boilies can be stored separately. Here you can separate your boilies from pop-up baits, boilie mixes and particle baits. A tightly closing lid ensures good protection and a sturdy handle makes transportation easy. The boilie buckets are available in different sizes and variants.

Bait container for baitfish

You catch a few baitfish with the pole rod for pike-perch fishing or pike fishing and only release them shortly before landing. To keep the fish fresh, the use of a fishing bucket is recommended. This fishing bucket is usually equipped with an integrated sieve, which has a lid and can be removed from the bucket in no time at all. This means that the fish can be temporarily stored in the bucket and always have fresh water.

Food bucket for coarse fishing

Various feed mixes are used for feeder fishing and pole fishing for coarse fish. To give the bait a good consistency, it is mixed with water. There are great feeding buckets for this purpose, in which the coarse fish food can be stored and stirred. In addition, some of these food containers are equipped with a feed sieve. The sieve allows you to sieve the lumpy base feed and produce fine, uniform particles. Formed into bales or pressed into a feeder cage, the feed can now develop its full attraction.

Food bucket: Large selection at top prices at Tackle-Deals!

Safe transport of your tackle and always fresh tackle when fishing. Bait containers make it possible. Whether you're looking for maggot tins, worm boxes, boilie buckets, feed buckets or fish buckets, you'll find a great selection of great fish tubs at top prices!