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Streamer Jenzi

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Trout is a very tasty fish that does not taste too intense. This is why trout are so popular with many people, especially anglers. When fly fishing with flies, nymphs or streamers, you have the greatest chance of success in landing the coveted fish, as these lures match the trout's prey pattern.

Many anglers describe the explosive bites on streamers as an amazing experience, which is why this form of fly fishing is so popular worldwide. In addition to the special fly rods and fly reels that are used for this, the fluidity and attractiveness of the line is the most decisive factor for your success. In addition to flies and nymphs, streamers have become very popular in flowing waters.

Differences between streamers and flies & nymphs

Streamers are similar in principle to flies in terms of structure. Feathers, marabous and more are connected with a hook. The main difference, however, is the size and, accordingly, the luring effect of the hook. Streamers are larger than flies and nymphs and imitate not only insects but also small prey fish. This makes them ideal when fishing for trout or other predatory fish.

In addition, the different feeding styles make a further difference. While flies and nymphs are usually just drifted on the surface, more effort is required from you when fishing with streamers. You need to actively guide the streamer to make it as irresistible as possible and lure even the shyest trout out of the reserve.

Fishing techniques when fishing with streamers

Streamers differ from the classic surface lure in that they are additionally weighted to reach the bottom, where the coveted trout are often found. The disadvantage of these streamers is their poorer casting and running properties. In the so-called dead drift, you place the streamer upstream in the water and let it drift with you in the current. This perfectly imitates dead fish and the streamer creates an incredible luring effect.

Another technique involves positioning yourself under trees and streams that overhang the river, as the fish like to retreat to these shady places. If you fish there with the streamer against the current, its potential is at its strongest. Of course, the possibilities are even more varied. The most important thing with all techniques is the movement of the rod and reeling in the line, with which you breathe additional life into the fish.

Buy streamers at Tackle Deals!

Check out our online store and discover streamers in many variations. All our offers are available at unbeatable prices. If necessary, you can even order several streamers at once or the practical streamer sets, where you can test the catchability of the individual baits on the water. You too can catch the coveted trout in future and serve them up to your friends, family or acquaintances with great pride!