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Flotation Suits Daiwa

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Not only skiers and other winter sports enthusiasts need warm clothing, but also you if you like to go fishing in winter. Especially if you want to go ice fishing and have already planned a vacation to Norway, for example, you will need a thermal or floating suit. These allow you to survive even the coldest temperatures without freezing to death.

Variants of thermal suits

The thermal suits are available as underwear or outerwear. The models that are underwear are much thinner and resemble thermal underwear. Although they provide very good thermal insulation, they unfortunately offer no protection against external influences. They are therefore recommended if you already have waterproof outerwear and just need more warmth without having to put on 5 layers of clothing.

Thermo- & floating suits, which are intended as outerwear, offer you protection against the ingress of water and wind. They are usually made up of several layers to ensure that they remain comfortable to wear thanks to the soft inner lining. They also offer long-term protection from the weather.

Always remember that the suits should still be as breathable as possible so that you can fish for a long time without overheating. Various pockets and a hood should always be included. It is important that you can still move easily in the suit despite its thickness and good insulation. If movement is considerably restricted, fishing will be difficult and, in the worst case scenario, you may miss out on a big catch.

Peculiarity of the floating suits

Float suits, also known as floatation suits, are a special type of thermal suit. They are additionally filled with material such as EVA buoyancy foam, which ensures that you float on the surface of the water. This makes them particularly safe for boat and sea anglers. Nevertheless, you should not completely dispense with life jackets, but consider these suits as additional protection.

In addition, the floating suits are usually covered with reflective tape and come in very eye-catching colors. If you go overboard at sea, you will be more visible to rescue teams.

Thermo- & floating suits at excellent prices

Since you have to rely completely on your clothing in winter, we recommend that you don't just look for the cheapest price. Take a look at our offers, where you can get good quality and products from well-known brands at excellent prices. Are you planning your next winter fishing vacation? Equip yourself properly for it now and enjoy the warm clothing.