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Scales/Measuring Tapes DAM

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Are you a passionate angler who always wants to keep an accurate record of all the catches you have made? Then you not only need a suitable measuring tape as a measuring instrument, but also a scale to document the weight of your fish. This is particularly important for sport fishing or if you want to break the records in your own fishing club.

The way fishing scales work is usually quite simple: you hang the fish on the hook attached to the scales and the built-in mechanisms then show you the weight. Alternatively, you can also hook the fish in a weighing bag.

Analog or digital scales?

Analog scales work on the basis of a spring mechanism and usually show you the weight using a pointer on a scale. These models are usually extremely inexpensive and therefore ideal as simple basic equipment. This gives you a rough idea of the weight class of the fish caught.

Digital scales, on the other hand, show the weight on a display and are much more accurate than analog scales. So if you are concerned about the accuracy of the values, go for these models. Some even include functions to save previously measured values in case you have forgotten equipment to record them.

Load limits of the scales

Of course, you choose a scale according to analog and digital preference, but what is even more important is which fish you are fishing for. If you are fishing for trout, for example, scales up to 10 kg are sufficient. However, if you are hunting predatory fish, it is better to have a scale that can hold up to at least 40 - 50 kg. After all, you never know exactly what kind of giant you might catch. For catfish hunting, it is best to equip yourself with scales up to 150 kg.

In our online store you will find a constantly changing range of top offers. Take a look around and order the right scales for the right target fish. In future, always record exactly which magnificent specimens you have landed and prove it to all your fishing colleagues!