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Rod Rack

Rod Rack

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One handle and the right fishing rod for your outdoor adventure is stored in a bag. You know exactly which fishing rod to choose for the fish you want to catch today. Thanks to a practical rod holder, all your rods are neatly lined up and ready to grip and use. Whether you choose the extra-long caster rod or the short ice fishing rod is entirely up to you. All fishing rods will find their place in your rod holder and are safely stored in the hobby room or garage. Discover high-quality rod racks at Tackle-Deals and secure a nice place for your fishing rods at home! We stock high-quality branded products from DAM or Balzer!

Rod holders offer your fishing rods a safe storage option

Depending on how big your fishing rod collection is, or how big you want it to become, choose the size and capacity of your rod holder. From three to 24 fishing rods, single-sided and double-sided rod holders, everything is included. Rod holders made of wood look particularly rustic. With a little craftsmanship, you can also build a rod holder yourself.

Danger of confusion: rod holder vs. rod holder

There is often confusion between rod holders and rod holders. The latter are not used in your own four walls as fishing rod racks, but for direct fishing. The rod holders such as the Banksticks hold the fishing rods in place when fishing. This is particularly practical when targeting carp, trout or surf fishing, as you can put the rod down and don't have to hold it in your hand the whole time. Simple rod holders are simply stuck in the ground. A V-shaped end provides a secure hold for the rod.

Take advantage of the fishing deals from Tackle-Deals!

The rod holders with double ground spikes, which prevent twisting and tipping over, provide even more grip. The Rod Pods and Tripods are suitable for concrete or stony ground. The three-legged rod holders find a firm footing on any surface. Browse through our constantly changing deals and discover suitable rod holders and rod holders!