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Carp Landing Net Anaconda

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Carp Landing Net

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The fight is exciting and the carp you have caught almost escapes. At the last moment, you land it in a carp landing net. This makes it particularly easy to get the hooked fish out of the water. Carp landing nets are particularly large and covered with fine nets to make them suitable for hunting and to prevent the wriggling fish from injuring themselves while hooking. Discover current offers from well-known brands such as Fox and Anaconda at Tackle-Deals. Browse through our store now!

Carp landing nets offer the fish plenty of space

Since carp can become very large, it is difficult to land them without the help of a landing net. The defensive animals flap their fins and wriggle in all directions. In a large and deep carp landing net, the animals have enough room to squirm without being able to escape from the net. The enormous power of the animals and their weight require a very stable carp landing net. The diameter of the landing net should be at least 80 cm so that you can also land large carp in it.

Gentle landing with carp landing nets

The net pole should be of medium length and stable so that it can withstand the strain of the kicking animals. The nets are usually made of soft plastic fabric or even rubberized. This is particularly gentle on the animals' sensitive skin, as they are less likely to injure themselves. The nets usually have the finest mesh at the bottom so that you can gently carry the fish to the unhooking mat.

Discover high-quality carp landing nets in our online shop

Carp landing nets are often equipped with a triangular opening, which is made of particularly sturdy material such as fiberglass or carbon. The frames are often specially padded so that there is no risk of injury to the fish. You can find many different carp landing nets in high quality in our online store. For your best catch!