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Sonar Deeper

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Sometimes it would be extremely practical to know where the fish are when fishing. This idea has long since ceased to be a dream, as sonar have been available for some time now for the boat anglers among you. The echo sounder works like a sonar. It emits sound waves towards the bottom of the water and determines the water depth based on the reflection of these waves. Now you may be wondering how information about the water depth can help you when fishing.

Firstly, it helps you to identify the deep spots in the lake or sea where your target fish are located. Especially in fall and winter, the fish flee towards the bottom. If you find the deep spots in the water, you will probably find more fish there. The sonar also detect other obstacles between the bottom and the boat. The fish's air bubbles are ideal reflectors for sound waves and are therefore detected.

Display details of sonars 

The details shown on the display differ for different sonars. Cheaper models show depth and obstacles in the water. With these, it is up to you to interpret the data correctly to determine whether there is a fish or not. Other sonars provide fairly accurate images of the bottom of the water and differentiate better between a fish and a plant, for example.

In addition, the reproduction differs in terms of pixel accuracy and contrast. Regardless of whether it is a black and white or color display, you should always make sure that all information can be easily distinguished with good contrast. Furthermore, the display must be a good LCD display so that you can still see everything easily even in bright sunlight.

Sonar*Differences in power & frequency

Sonar, also commonly known as fish finders, are available in different power levels. These range from 500 to 4000 watts. The higher the power, the more reliably sonars provide information, even at increasing depths. As a rule, this only applies to stationary sonars that are attached to boats. Mobile echo sounders from the shore do work, but usually not as precisely.

The transmitted frequencies of echo sounders range from 50 – 200 kHz. With low frequencies, you can scan an area at an angle of 60 degrees. Ideally, a good sonar is equipped with a dual-beam transmitter that emits both high and low frequencies. This means that detection takes place over a larger area, but is also very accurate at greater depths.

Buy sonars at Tackle Deals!

In addition to the depth sounder, which fulfills the main functions, the selection of accessories is large. Pay particular attention to the brackets and transducer rods, with which you can also easily attach sonars to belly boats. Spare batteries are also extremely practical for long periods of use.

If you are now convinced of all the advantages of sonars, then don't hesitate and order sonars from our online store today. You will find various offers at excellent prices. In future, stop guessing where the fish are and make sure you know where they are with the right depth sounder.