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Table & Bivvytable

Preparing your own fishing tackle on the floor or in your hands can be nerve-wracking. Practical fishing tables, also known as bivvy tables, are a further convenience for such things. Bivvy stands for umbrella tents or fishing tents and the table serves as practical and versatile furniture for them. Of course, the possible uses are not just limited to fishing, but can also be transferred to other camping trips.

Tables & bivvy table in different variants

This type of fishing table offers a wide range of functions in a variety of designs. Small and low tables can be used for anything from a bedside table next to the bedchair to preparing your equipment. Especially when you are preparing your baits, line or leader, a carpet pad is of great use.

Some tables have a curved or chamfered edge so that none of your equipment rolls off the table. This prevents them from getting lost or contaminated by mud and dirt. Larger and higher tables are also ideal for working on or eating your caught prey. You can easily scale, gut or fillet the fish and simply rinse the table afterwards.

For this reason, most tables are made of rustproof materials such as aluminum, nylon or plastic. If this is not the case, please bear this in mind when handling the table. These materials also make the table very light and therefore easy to transport. Of course, you should consider how large the table is for transportation and to what extent lightness goes hand in hand with stability.

Other useful features include height-adjustable legs and mud flaps to adapt the table perfectly to the ground conditions. There are also tables with matching bags or boxes. If you already have one of these, it is advisable to buy the corresponding table.

At Tackle Deals cheap tables & bivvy table

Once you have decided what kind of table you need, simply browse through our range. We offer tables from well-known brands in various price categories at excellent prices. Purchase your versatile companion for your fishing trips now.