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Lamps & Lightning Black Cat

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Although the dark can bring adventure and excitement, good visibility is essential when fishing. Especially when night fishing or as soon as dusk sets in, that's why lamps & lights are so important for us to continue the fishing fun. After all, you don't want to lose important pieces of equipment or miss bites from fish.

Lamps & lights*companions at night

Although flashlights perform almost the same functions, head flashlights are used much more frequently by anglers. They are practical because you have both hands free while using them and the direction of light largely matches our line of vision. This means that you can not only illuminate the path in front of you, but also your hands when carrying out delicate work such as knotting leader lines.

Of course, you can also use the lamps to keep an eye on the water in the dark to spot bites, observe swimmers or make out the glimmer of fish. If you wear a head torch all night long, make sure that the torch fits comfortably. To this end, the headband should be adjustable to fit your head perfectly.

Other lamps such as small LED lanterns or camping lamps also provide lighting for your fishing spot. Although oil lamps or gas lanterns produce beautiful light, they are not recommended for reasons of fire safety and reduced brightness.

Protection & strength of the lamps

Since most modern lamps are electrically operated, proximity to water is a major hazard. So either be very careful with every action or make sure that the lamp is waterproof when you buy it. The indicator for this is the IP (International Protection) number with which the lamp is marked. The first digit provides information about the contact protection and protection against the ingress of dust and dirt.

The second digit indicates the water resistance of your lamp. In the case of "IP 44", the four indicates that the lamp is splash-proof. It is better not to use this lamp in rain or bad weather. If the second digit is a six, for example, it is protected against strong water jets and an eight indicates complete protection against permanent immersion. Therefore, always pay attention to the IP number of the lamp of your choice.

Also look at the light intensity and lighting range. Especially if you want to look out over the water, a long range is an advantage. The level of luminosity or lumen provides information about the brightness of the lamp. However, the batteries or rechargeable battery quickly run out when used at maximum capacity. It is therefore best to always have a spare with you.

Lamps & lights at top conditions

Get the right lamp of your choice from us. The selection includes changing offers at favorable prices. Don't wait any longer and get excellent visibility for your next fishing adventure, even in the dark!