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Trolling Accessoires Rapala VMC

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Trolling Accessoires

Trolling is very popular among anglers as it is a very effective and promising fishing method. You are not yet sufficiently equipped with a reel and rod and therefore need additional trolling accessories to go hunting properly.

When trolling, the fishing rig is pulled behind the boat. Depending on factors such as speed and body weight, this can imitate extremely lifelike fishing behavior and fish are more likely to be tempted to bite.

What all belongs to the trolling accessories?

The term trolling accessory covers a wide range of parts, giving you an extremely wide range of customization options for setting up your trolling rig. With large plugs, the rig does not have to be too large, as these lures with their diving blades usually sink deep on their own when the boat is moving. Alternatively, there are so-called systems for attaching a rubber fish, on which there are several hooks or several treble hooks.

When fishing with lighter fish, lead and other diving aids are necessary to bring the fish to the desired depth. Dipsy drivers are diving disks with adjustable weights that are attached to the line. When a fish bites, they move into a position where no more downward pressure is exerted.

In addition, mini disks help as diving aids, which are attached to the side lines in particular. The paravanes serve the same purpose, but are available in heavier versions. This allows diving depths of up to 8 m to be achieved. All of these types of towing accessories ultimately aim to improve the draught of the kayaks and provide more realistic swimming behavior.

If you now want to cast several fishing rods, you must prevent the lines from getting caught up in each other. The side planners and planner boards do just that. They allow the line to be carried further out to ensure that there is a gap between the lines. Some are even equipped with holders for glow sticks so that you don't lose sight of them at night.

Trolling accessories at top prices in our shop

If you have a precise plan of how you want to set up your rig, then take a look around this category now. At Tackle Deals, you'll find the trolling accessories you want in our constantly changing range.