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Wading Nets Rapala

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In addition to good fishing equipment, a promising net and a portion of luck, the net is a key tool for hauling the coveted catch out of the cold water. In addition to a fishing license, it is often compulsory for anglers to carry a landing net in order to be able to counteract the catch as gently as possible.

A very special type of landing net has become established, especially for trout fishing - the wading net. Alongside waders, the wading landing net is an integral part of fly fishing equipment. Thanks to its handy dimensions, you can always carry the landing net with you and transport your next catch safely and carefully into the mesh.

Wading net for a safe landing!

Wading nets are not only used for fly fishing, but are also very useful for spinning fishing in the surf. Many wading landing nets are floating and have a securing loop or a securing cable so that the landing net does not drift away in the event of a little carelessness.

The net of the wading net is made of polyester or polyamide and is ideally rubberized. Rubberized nets have several advantages. The most important aspect is that the vital mucous membrane of the fish is protected when landing. This greatly increases the fish's chance of survival, especially when returning to the water. Furthermore, the coated net material does not absorb any unpleasant odors and can be easily rinsed with water and stowed away after use. Another advantage of rubberized nets is that the hook does not get caught in your net material so quickly. This means you can devote yourself fully to your favorite hobby.

The advantages of the wading landing net:

  • Suitable for fly fishing & spin fishing
  • Handy & compact
  • Floating & with safety cable
  • Optional with rubberized net

Wading nets at top prices at Tackle Deals!

In order to safely transport your next catch from the cool water to land, you need a suitable landing net. Especially when fly fishing or spin fishing, compact and handy wading nets are the tool of choice. At Tackle Deals you will find a large selection of different models and brands. Take your time and find the wading net that suits you best!